Thursday, May 17, 2007

MetaMetaphysics e-Reading Group: next session

Logos’ e-reading group on MetaMetaphysics is resuming, after a short period of inactivity. During the next e-session we will discuss “Fundamental and derivative truths”, a work in progress by Robbie Williams, available here. The e-session will start around May 30, here in the bLOGOS. Posts belonging to this session should be tilted “MM Williams: your title”

UPDATE: This has been postponed until the beginning of next semester.

1 comment:

schangels said...

Dear members of bLOGOS.
I recently wrote a paper about truthmakers and the conditions for a negative proposition to be "true", by opposition to some solution proposed by Craig Bourne, Cambridge. Mark Jago, Nottingham, replied to me in this respect and we disagree about the so-called 'falsitymaker'.
If any bLOGER is concerned with this point, I could develop my argument and give the references.
Happy New Year,
Logically Yours,
Fabien Schang
(University of Nancy, France)